Steve Landry, MaineDOT | Learn about the process for quickly and inexpensively improving street safety through a new DOT process centered around quick build projects. Also hear updates to the speed setting policy to help reduce dangerous vehicle speeds on local roads.
Sarah Curran, Deputy Director, Climate Planning and Community Partnerships, with the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future | For the past 3 years, the Governor’s Office of Policy, Innovation, and the Future has been providing Community Resilience Partnership grants for local, municipal-lead projects that help advance climate-friendly policies. Hear highlights from this work and ongoing opportunities for project funding.
Hilary Gove, DECD + Benjamin Averill, Housing Opportunity Program Coordinators, DECD | Learn about funding available to service providers and municipalities to assist with ordinance development and public engagement to increase housing opportunities in Maine communities.
Mark Wiesendanger, MaineHousing | Visit the MaineHousing exhibit booth to hear more about housing programs and the state-wide effort to close the gap on the 84,000 new homes required to meet current and future demand.