Build Maine pursues System Change to Support a Stronger Maine

Beginning in August 2019, Build Maine initiated a “call to action” focused on addressing patterns of development that our State cannot financially sustain and that are at odds with our quality of life, sense of identity, the tourism economy, efforts to attract a workforce, and our environmental goals.

The work has involved a diverse and expanding group of leaders from across the state and from varied disciplines who understand the current system, and who are in a position to help change it.  

The first step in the process was to develop a shared understanding of our state’s collection of procedures, rules, and cultural forces that produce our existing patterns of land development.  A draft “system map”, the culmination of the past 6 months of work involving over 70 individuals, is now available for review and comment.

This system mapping work has lead to the current effort to identify policy recommendations and other solutions that will produce better fiscal, economic, environmental, and quality of life outcomes for our state. This work will take place over February and March of 2020, and culminate in a forum on April 2, 2020.

The recommendations that come out of this current process will support important work happening at the State level, such as the Climate Council, will help increase understanding of bigger picture issues, and will identify opportunities to align efforts between sectors, municipalities, the non-profit sector, and regional and state government.

Please let us know if you’d like to get involved by emailing