PACTS Destination 2040
LD 1559, An Act to Advance the State's Public Transit Systems by Reinvigorating the Public Transit Advisory Council and Increasing Funding, will improve and strengthen the role of the state in order to support local transit operators, employers, commuters, and our climate goals. There are numerous measures, which include the following:
The bill strengthens the Public Transit Advisory Council (PTAC). The PTAC is a statewide group intended to assess current level of service and recommend improvements. This bill expands the role of the PTAC, while also diversifying its representation by adding members in labor, immigrant communities, and youth climate activism. It also calls for an additional transit operator. Additionally, the bill expands the role of the PTAC to develop a statewide plan, addressing how to achieve the standards of adequate access; develops a statewide mobility management program, improving coordination of the transit systems for mobility needs; and calls for submission of a report to MeDOT for anticipated statewide transit funding.
The bill provides a one time appropriation of $25M. This investment will supplement the operating and capital needs for transit operators within the current transit plan, create a mobility management program, and expand transit planning assistance for rural communities.
The bill provides a one time appropriation of $13.6M. As federal operating subsidies for transit expire this year, this appropriation will make sure that transit operates at its current level of service.
The bill amends the Sensible Transportation Policy Act. This act guides MeDOT decision-making on transportation planning, capital investment and project decisions. The act is amended to include commitments to expanded public transit, as well as Maine’s climate goals. A full set of talking points can be found HERE.
Questions related to this bill? Reach out to the Policy Action 2023 Complete Streets working group point person Cole Cochrane at
A public hearing for LD 1559 is scheduled for Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 1:00 pm before the Legislature's Transportation Committee.
Begin your letter with:
Dear Senator Chipman, Representative Williams, and Honorable Members of the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation,
My name is [ ENTER NAME] and I live in [ ENTER TOWN].
Describe your reasons for supporting the legislation.